It All Began

DANCE while you can...."I will not stand to the side and allow the MUSIC in
my HEART to fadeaway and die.
I will DANCE to my own LIFE SONG."

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rebel Dancer

OK, today you can say "rebel".
I just noticed that I can say rebel, like "I am a rebel". 

Or rebel, like "I rebel against the man".
I think they are pretty much the same.

There's a new entertainment complex in our area. Some great names have come through including my own, dearest Randy Travis.
I only dream. Concerts in what my hubby considers a "bar" are out of the question. Doesn't make much sense (I gave up trying to understand "sense" a long time ago). He takes me to see concerts like Riverdance, Celtic Women and the upcoming Cirque de soleil. But they are held in "acceptable" locations, although they sell alcohol. But I can't go see Cirque at a Casino or in Las Vegas (although I'd give my right hand to see "O"!!!!), because those places are not acceptable.

So here I am again. Choosing my battles.
I'll never be allowed to go to a concert, take a turn around the dance floor or have a beer in one of the "non-acceptable" locations. But I can dance with him at a wedding, go to a concert where alcohol is served if it's not considered a bar or perceived as a bar. 
And beer is just out, period.

One more quick example.
A local 
restaurant has a band that plays on the patio and alcohol is served. Not allowed to go there. 

But the local Buffalo Wild Wings, the steakhouse, Cheddar's, yada, yada, yada.... where we eat all the time, ALL serve alcohol.   
Am I the only one confused here????

He and I are going on vacation soon. A really neat trip. I'm looking forward to it.
After I get home I'm going on another trip with my sister. I'm pumped!!!

The first trip will be a long road trip along the gulf, lots of beaches, great food, a little bit boring but good enough sex. The conversation will leave a LOT to be desired, no internet, no blog, no "my" music, no friend connection.
Long nights longing to visit the many great places where I could play a little, dance a little, have the occasional glass of wine or a nice cold one. NOT happening.

Second trip. Fun, but nothing compared to a week of beaching it!! 
BUT, I get to drink all I want. 
I get to go to a dance (where I won't dance-but that's too hard to explain-just take my word for it). 
It will be fun because I get to dress up in something wild and fabulous, drink and watch other people who are dressed wild and fabulous. Some will dance. Most, like us, will just hang out. And it will be fun!!!
And that will be rebelling!!!! Which is probably why it's fun.

Now I'm going to share a great song by Josh Turner, who is coming to our 'entertainment complex' soon. I of course will NOT be going! 
BUT, I can dance in my cute new "dancer" tank with my sexy black lace panties all over my house. And I can dream of a man or a time or a way  when my road trip to the beach could be combined with my drinkin', dancin' trip with my sister. 
It will never happen, and if it did then it would be a major sin with huge risks, but I can still dream.
(this is a perfect place for you to remind me that I have everything I need, so why do I need you?????)

Call me a rebel, I don't care.
Call me a hussie, I don't care.

Call me a rebellious, gypsy soul, black lace sexy lady and you're callin' my name!! 
You can find me any Mon-Fri (except during lunch-when the man is home), dancing and dreaming, alone. elle

"Why Don't We Just Dance" josh turner

"Baby, why don't we just turn that TV off?
315 channels of nothing but bad news on,
Well it might be me
But the way I see it,
The whole wide world has gone crazy.
So baby, why don't we just dance?

This little bit of living room ain't gonna look like much
But when the lights go down and we move the couch,
It's gonna be more than enough
For my two left feet
And our two hearts beatin'
Nobody's gonna see us go crazy.
So baby, why don't we just dance
Down the hall,
Maybe up the stairs?
Bouncing off the walls,
Floating on air,
Baby, why don't we just dance?

Baby, why don't you go put your best dress on,
And those high heel shoes you love to lose
As soon as the tunes come on?
On second thought,
Just the way you are
Is already driving me crazy.
So baby, why don't we just dance
Down the hall
Maybe up the stairs?
Bouncing off the walls,
Floating on air,
Baby, why don't we just dance?

Well it might be me
But the way I see it,
The whole wide world has gone crazy.
So baby, why don't we just dance?
Why don't we just dance?"

If you know me at all or have hung out here at the blog awhile, then you know that I long to line dance and I would be perfect in a flash mob!!!
By the time I fight for the right and get permission, flash mobs will be outlawed and line dancing will be out. Story of my life...

So a little video with one of my favorites!!

"Good Time" alan jackson- world's longest line dance!!!

I'm dreamin' of day when you will take me away
For a good time! elle

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