It's "one of those days", again!!! Don't know what to do but laugh. Thought I'd share a song or two that always bring a smile:
"Surfin Bird" The Trashmen
"So, what did the dyslexic, agnostic think about when he had insomnia????"
"Is there a dog?"........HAAAAA-Ha
"Right Field" Peter, Paul & Mary
I was the kid with her hands crossed over her face praying, "just don't let the ball come to me, PLEASE!!!"
"Stewball" Peter, Paul & Mary
Don't even ask. I have no idea. I only know when this song comes on in the middle of all my other IPod songs, I smile!
Guess the good things of childhood still sparkle!
Share your favorite smiling song or joke. Please!!!
I need a good laugh and a cold beer! Elle
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