It is another beautiful fall day here on the gulf coast!
The sun is bursting it's way into my window and hundreds of birds are happily singing and dancing in the cool dew!
The sun is bursting it's way into my window and hundreds of birds are happily singing and dancing in the cool dew!
Wednesday was AWESOME!!!
The first normal (non-vacation or weekend) day in weeks.
On my own accord I dressed and spent the day with my daughter, son -in -law and grands unloading and pricing my storage bin in preparation for a garage sale.
On Monday, as I listed my marathon week and weekend I was so overwhelmed!
I stayed in bed Monday and Tuesday with a horrible headache knowing that I was getting farther and farther behind.
But Wednesday dawned and the weather was begging me to come out and play.
I'm so thankful that I did!!
Now the momentum is still there and I'm not going to do anything to jinx it.
I'm not going to over-think it or over-plan it. I'm going to enjoy it!!!
The first normal (non-vacation or weekend) day in weeks.
On my own accord I dressed and spent the day with my daughter, son -in -law and grands unloading and pricing my storage bin in preparation for a garage sale.
On Monday, as I listed my marathon week and weekend I was so overwhelmed!
I stayed in bed Monday and Tuesday with a horrible headache knowing that I was getting farther and farther behind.
But Wednesday dawned and the weather was begging me to come out and play.
I'm so thankful that I did!!
Now the momentum is still there and I'm not going to do anything to jinx it.
I'm not going to over-think it or over-plan it. I'm going to enjoy it!!!
I'm a bit overwhelmed that I have over a hundred e-mails concerning "Pinterest". I think it's time to change my settings. I really want to visit with every person but some of the emails have the names of 8-9 people.
I've decided to respond to the ones who comment and just let the rest of them go.
Letting things go is very difficult with my melancholic personality.
I've decided to respond to the ones who comment and just let the rest of them go.
Letting things go is very difficult with my melancholic personality.
As we unloaded the bin I was surrounded by the left-overs of my antique business.
When I closed I had to hire a company to come in and do 2 huge liquidation/estate sales.
I literally had to hand over my keys and walk away.
After years of addictive spending and hoarding I allowed myself 3 months to go through hundreds of thousands of items in 5 storage units. Boxes floor to ceiling in my office and trailer loads of primitives and the fabulous antique furniture and glassware that had been touched by Ikes storm surge from my house. I touched every item. For every 50 things I parted with 1 or 2 would make me smile, warm my heart and join me in my new life.
To this day I judge everything that comes into the new(rebuilt) house, by smell!
If it has the slightest smell of "the storm" it is not allowed. That smell of dead fish, mold and salt water is seared in my memory and triggers the tears, the heaviness, the thoughts of all that is dead and gone.
These things I don't need. I don't want. I can live without.
The time has come to replace the dead with joy.
I choose with care.
As we unloaded the bin out came wooden boxes and crates, primitive tables and chairs, signs, baskets, dough boxes and cupboards.
I got so excited!!
"I don't know if any of this is going in the garage sale" I announced.
I started culling and loading.
I opened the front door to my van and the smell hit me.
"We need to unload this now" I told my son in law.
We did.
I chose about 20 pieces to keep and then we loaded the truck and lowboy trailer with the rest.
As I've been pricing these past 2 days I've found some special books, post cards and other "loves" that pass the smell test and are welcome to come back home.
But I am "letting go" of the rest.
This is good.
This is healing.
Letting go of the things that hurt is good.
Embracing a new life-style of "less is more" and only allowing what makes me smile is better!
It's another beautiful day.
Day 3 of feeling fabulous!!
I'm going to fluff the guest bedroom, vacuum the house and get back to pricing.
I probably have 25 boxes left and will only get to 8-10, but I'm not stressed. What's left can go back in the bin with the other 40-50 boxes for next time.
I love that phrase "next time". It is sounds so sweet like "tomorrow" and "next year".
These things say "I'm going to be here next year" and even better they say, "I'm planning..."
:) :) I haven't planned anything in a very long time.

When I closed I had to hire a company to come in and do 2 huge liquidation/estate sales.
I literally had to hand over my keys and walk away.
After years of addictive spending and hoarding I allowed myself 3 months to go through hundreds of thousands of items in 5 storage units. Boxes floor to ceiling in my office and trailer loads of primitives and the fabulous antique furniture and glassware that had been touched by Ikes storm surge from my house. I touched every item. For every 50 things I parted with 1 or 2 would make me smile, warm my heart and join me in my new life.
To this day I judge everything that comes into the new(rebuilt) house, by smell!
If it has the slightest smell of "the storm" it is not allowed. That smell of dead fish, mold and salt water is seared in my memory and triggers the tears, the heaviness, the thoughts of all that is dead and gone.
These things I don't need. I don't want. I can live without.
The time has come to replace the dead with joy.
I choose with care.
As we unloaded the bin out came wooden boxes and crates, primitive tables and chairs, signs, baskets, dough boxes and cupboards.
I got so excited!!
"I don't know if any of this is going in the garage sale" I announced.
I started culling and loading.
I opened the front door to my van and the smell hit me.
"We need to unload this now" I told my son in law.
We did.
I chose about 20 pieces to keep and then we loaded the truck and lowboy trailer with the rest.
As I've been pricing these past 2 days I've found some special books, post cards and other "loves" that pass the smell test and are welcome to come back home.
But I am "letting go" of the rest.
This is good.
This is healing.
Letting go of the things that hurt is good.
Embracing a new life-style of "less is more" and only allowing what makes me smile is better!
It's another beautiful day.
Day 3 of feeling fabulous!!
I'm going to fluff the guest bedroom, vacuum the house and get back to pricing.
I probably have 25 boxes left and will only get to 8-10, but I'm not stressed. What's left can go back in the bin with the other 40-50 boxes for next time.
I love that phrase "next time". It is sounds so sweet like "tomorrow" and "next year".
These things say "I'm going to be here next year" and even better they say, "I'm planning..."
:) :) I haven't planned anything in a very long time.
"I love the music leaves make overhead;
For mood of sleep the swaying willows swish;
The dancing maples answer to my wish;
Poplars sing rain;
Cry winter, oak leaves dead."
Sarabeth Leslie 1936
Have a lovely day and a blessed weekend, elle
"Lady" little river band
"So lady, let me take a look at you now
You're there on the dance floor,
Making me want you somehow
Oh lady, I think it's only fair I should say
Don't be thinkin' that I don't want you,
'Cause maybe I do."
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