It All Began

DANCE while you can...."I will not stand to the side and allow the MUSIC in
my HEART to fadeaway and die.
I will DANCE to my own LIFE SONG."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I've been feeling a little (a lot) scattered lately.
Not real sure what's next.

Since I started this blog in March so MUCH has happened (and hasn't).

I am no longer chronically depressed

I am seldom depressed :)!!!
I am growing, changing, learning, reaching & stretched

Things I thought I knew but didn't:
How to love
What's next?
I can have whatever I want

Things that still stump me:
How to love
What's next?
Why can't I have everything I want???

Things I am afraid of:
Being alone
Being misunderstood
Being unlovable
Stagnating or worse, retreating
Running out of money
Not being pretty
Not getting a "next time"

Wanting a "next time"

Things I avoided but am ready to embrace again:
My children
My husband
My "grands"
Leaving my house
Leaving my bedroom
Leaving the computer

Not an all inclusive list. I'm sure I'll think of a million more, but it's a good start!!!

I've been stumped by the "what's next?"
I don't like change and yet someone put my life in a blender and pushed "puree"!!!

Things that change almost daily:
My love for me
My love for my husband
The way I feel about the "right" way to love you
                         -vs- the way I want to love you

So I've spent the last few months learning to know, accept and love myself
     I've spent the last few months wanting to know and love you
     I've spent the last few months trying to make you love me like I wanted 

     I've spent the last few months trying to convince myself that my husband was all wrong for me (or that I am all wrong for him) and that our marriage should end. I was wrong. I don't know how to fix it but it's too good to just walk away from.

I've been sorta stuck in the fast lane & in danger of being plowed over 
I needed some fresh inspiration so I turned to "Pinterest".

Here are some things that moved me

too true

I have learned that this is true. It doesn't mean I like it,
it just means it's true.

My little princess would LOVE this.

An "elegant" place

if  it ever was to happen...

I'm still a lady at heart,
only thing that's changed is my definition of
"a lady".


I'm a lovely lady when I'm naked.

A lady at the beach is different from 
a lady in the grocery store.

simple yet striking

I love beautiful things!!!

That was fun and refreshing, inspirational and educational!

Let's sing a while!!!

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" iz

"Just Dance" (something borrowed)

"Wouldn't It Be Nice" the beach boys

to the beach!

You wanna???
Pinned Image

East to west....

 remember 1975 
Bring your guitar ")... elle

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